Reference |
Allele Change |
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Chepenik, L. G.,2009 |
Val66Met |
The ROI analyses:1.genotype:P-value < 0.001, Carriers of the BDNF met allele:LSmean-met=2433, SE-met=115; LSmean-val=2950, SE-val=86.BD met carriers: LSmean-HCval=3166, SE=134; LSmean-HCmet=2683, SE=178; LSmean-BDval=2734, SE=125; LSmean-BDmet=2181, SE=149 < 0.01, Case-control:LSmean-BD=2458, SE-BD=100;LSmean-HC=2925, SE-HC=100.
We found that hippocampus volumes were significantly smaller.....
We found that hippocampus volumes were significantly smaller in BD compared to HC subjects, and presence of the BDNF met allele was associated with smaller hippocampus volume in both diagnostic groups. The BD subgroup who carried the BDNF met allele had the smallest hippocampus volumes, and three-dimensional mapping identified these decreases as most prominent in left anterior hippocampus.
Chen, S. L., 2014 |
Met/Val |
Genotype: P-value=0.155 for BP-1 patients, P-value=0.112 for BP-II patients. Alley frequency: P-value=0.249 for BP-1 patients, P-value=0.255 for BP-II patients.
the distribution of the BDNF Val66Met SNP was not different .....
the distribution of the BDNF Val66Met SNP was not different between groups.
Huang, C. C.,2012 |
Val/Met |
allelic P-vaue=0.13, X2=4.09; genotypic P-value=0.21, X2=5.91
The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism was not associated with eithe.....
The BDNF Val66Met polymorphism was not associated with either BP-I or BP-II, in both genotypic and allelic distribution.
Tang, J., 2008 |
C/T |
Genotypic X2=1.538 (df=2), P-value = 0.463; Allelic X2=1.277 (df=1), P-value = 0.285
No significant difference was found in the frequency of the .....
No significant difference was found in the frequency of the genotype or allele in this polymorphism between patients and controls.
Skibinska, M., 2004 |
Val/Met |
bipolar I+II vs. control (males and females) -c2 =1.831, df=2, p=0.4 for genotypes, p=0.406 for alleles; bipolar I+II vs. control (males)-c 2 =0.399, df=2, p=0.819 for genotypes, p=0.673 for alleles; bipolar I+II vs. control (females) -c 2 =1.678, df=2, p=0.432 for genotypes, p=0.464 for alleles.
The allele and genotype distribution for the patients with s.....
The allele and genotype distribution for the patients with schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder did not differ significantly from controls. When groups were separated according to gender, there was also not any significant difference in allele and genotype distribution.
Tramontina, J., 2007 |
Val/Met |
chi-square P-value > 0.05
No significant differences were found in the frequency of th.....
No significant differences were found in the frequency of the BDNF val66met genotype or allele distribution between patients and controls.
Matsuo, K.,2009 |
Val66Met |
Imaging Data:Val/Val and Val/Met subjects (case-control), ACC GM volumes:left ACC, x= 7, y=13, z=25, t=3.55, k=66, P=0.011; right ACC, x=12, y=25, z=23, t=3.24, k=133, P=0.013.Three-way interaction:left ACC, F1, 76=1.15, P=0.29;right ACC, F1, 76=1.16, P=0.69.The diagnosis by genotype interaction:left ACC, F1, 76=5.69, P=0.02; right ACC, F1, 76=5.03, P=0.03.CVLT Performance:for diagnosis (F1, 69=4.39, P=0.04), for genotype (F1, 69=0.82, P=0.63), for the interaction between diagnosis and genotype (F4.1, 283.3=0.86, P=0.48).
Left and right anterior cingulate GM volumes showed a signif.....
Left and right anterior cingulate GM volumes showed a significant interaction between genotype and diagnosis such that anterior cingulate GM volumes were significantly smaller in the Val/Met BD patients compared with the Val/Val BD patients. Within-group comparisons revealed that the Val/Met carriers showed smaller GM volumes of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex compared with the Val/Val subjects within the BD patient and healthy groups. The Val/Met healthy subjects had smaller GM volumes of the left hippocampus compared with the Val/Val healthy subjects. There was a significant main effect of diagnosis on memory function (P=0.04), but no interaction between diagnosis and genotype was found.
Nassan, M., 2015 |
Val/Met |
Comparison of adult BD cases with controls provided nonsigni.....
Comparison of adult BD cases with controls provided nonsignificant evidence of association of the minor Met allele of Val66Met with BD(OR = 1.19, p = 0.06). However, comparison of TEAM early-onset cases with controls showed a stronger association of the minor allele with EO-BD (OR = 1.55, p = 0.04). Although comparison of adult EO-BD cases from the Mayo Clinic BD Biobank with controls was not statistically significant, the OR estimate indicated the same direction of effect (OR = 1.21, p = 0.19). When early-onset adult BD cases from the Mayo BD Biobank and TEAM early-onset cases were together compared with the controls, the association of the minor allele of rs6265 with EO-BD was statistically significant (OR = 1.30, p = 0.04).
Sklar, P.,2002 |
Val66Met |
Association analysis:TDT, Hopkins sample, T/NT=53/34, chi square=4.1, P-value = 0.042, OR=1.56, OR(95%CI)=1.05-2.47;NIMH sample, T/NT=70/55, chi square=1.8, P-value = 0.09, OR=1.27, OR(95%CI)=0.92-1.84;UK sample, T/NT=38/32, chi square=0.51, P-value = 0.237, OR=1.19, OR(95%CI)=0.77-1.96;Replication samples(NIMH+UK), T/NT=108/87, chi square=2.26, P-value = 0.066, OR=1.24, OR(95%CI)=0.95-1.66
Significant associations were found in Hopkins sample.
Neves-Pereira, M.,2002 |
val66met |
Association analysis:FBAT, allele A, Z score=-3.415, P-value = 0.00064;allele G, Z score=3.415, P-value = 0.00064
Significant associations were found in BPD patients.
Hamshere, M. L.,2012 |
Val66Met |
Logistic Regression Analysis:for Val/Val, OR=1.1, 95%CI=0.47-2.60, P-value = 0.82 in BP-I;;OR=0.4, 95%CI=0.16-0.97, P-value = 0.04* in BP-II.For Val/Met, OR=1.18, 95%CI=0.54-2.58, P-value = 0.67 in BP-I;;OR=1.39, 95%CI=0.69-2.80, P-value = 0.36 in BP-II
Significant association was observed in BP-II.
De Luca, V.,2008 |
G |
The Val66 (G) allelewas transmitted more frequently with BD (maternal meioses: 46/22, p = 0.003; paternal meioses: 55/30, p = 0.006).
Significant genetic association between BD and the BDNF Val6.....
Significant genetic association between BD and the BDNF Val66Met SNP was detected
Lee, S. Y.,2012(b) |
Val/Met |
Val |
Chi square test:genotype,P-value = 0.79,chi square = 1.73;allele,P-value = 0.64,chi square = 0.88
No evidence support the association of this variant with BD
Kunugi, H.,2004 |
Val66Met |
Association analysis:chi square test, Genotypewise comparisons: total patients vs. control subjects:chi square=0, P-value = 0.98; bipolar I vs. control subjects: chi square=0.3, P-value = 0.86; bipolar II vs. control subjects: chi square=0.8, P-value = 0.69. Allelewise comparisons: total patients vs. control subjects: chi square=0.0, P-value = 0.83; bipolar I vs. control subjects: chi square=0.0, P-value = 0.96; bipolar II vs. control subjects:chi square=0.0, P-value = 0.94.
No significant association was observed in BD.
Muller, D. J., 2006 |
A/G |
TDTPHASE P-value = 0.001, df=1, LRS=10.62; P-value = 0.01 for bipolar disorder I, P-value = 0.02 for bipolar disorder II
Significant association between the total sample and the BDN.....
Significant association between the total sample and the BDNF gene was found for Val66Met. Over-transmission was observed for the Val (or G) allele of Val66Met. When participants with bipolar disorder were divided into two groups (bipolar disorder I and II), a significant association was found for the Val66Met polymorphism of the BDNF gene.
Lee, S. Y.,2012(a) |
Val/Met |
Val |
Chi square test:genotype,P-value = 0.75,chi square = 1.94;allele,P-value = 0.83,chi square = 0.37
No evidence support the association of this variant with BD
Mick, E.,2009 |
Val/Met |
Val |
TDT:OR=1.23, 95%CI=0.79-1.92, X2=0.8, P-value = 0.37
We failed to identify significant associations with this can.....
We failed to identify significant associations with this candidate.
Hong, C. J.,2003 |
Val66Met |
Association analysis:genotype P-value = 0.762, allele P-value = 0.489
No significant association was observed in BD.
Green, E. K., 2006 |
Val/Met |
allelic P-value = 0.39, X2=0.73, df=1, OR (95% CI)=1.07 (0.92-1.22), genotypic P-value = 0.68, X2=0.77, df=2 for Bipolar I and II disorder; allelic P-value = 0.36, X2=0.83, df=1, OR (95% CI)=1.07 (0.93-1.24), genotypic P-value = 0.64, X2=0.89, df=2 for Bipolar I disorder; allelic P-value = 0.98, X2=0.00, df=1, OR (95% CI)=1.00 (0.70-1.45), genotypic P-value = 0.96, X2=0.09, df=2 for Bipolar II disorder; allelic P-value = 0.0040, X2=8.28, df=1, OR (95% CI)=1.74 (1.19-2.56), genotypic P-value = 0.015, X2=8.47, df=2 for rapid-cycling bipolar disorder; re-analysis P-value < 0.03, one-tailed test
No differences in allele or genotype frequencies were seen b.....
No differences in allele or genotype frequencies were seen between cases and controls for any of the diagnostic groups. However, we found association with disease status in the subset of rapid cycling. We found a similar association on re-analysis of the previously reported family-based association sample.
Geller, B.,2004 |
Val66Met |
Association analysis:FBAT, chi square=6.0, 1df, P-value = 0.14
Significant association was found in BPD patients.
Chang, Y. H.,2013 |
Val66Met |
Met/Val:BD-II without AD, OR = 0.64,95%CI = 0.17–2.36, P-value = 0.5;BD-II without AD, OR = 1.33m95%CI = 0.23–7.60, P-value = 0.74;Val/Val:BD-II without AD, OR = 0.55,95%CI = 0.20–1.51, P-value = 0.25;BD-II without AD, OR = 0.48,95%CI = 0.10–2.18, P-value = 0.34;Met/Val:BD-I without AD, OR = 0.82,95%CI = 0.20–3.35, P-value = 0.5;BD-I without AD, OR = 1.23,95%CI = 0.06–23.75, P-value = 0.89Val/Val:BD-I without AD, OR = 0.3,95%CI = 0.09–1.02, P-value = 0.05;BD-I without AD, OR = 2330000000,95%CI = 6.34E+09–8.54E+08, P-value = 0.0005
Significant association was observed.