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Reference | McDonald, M. L.,2012 PMID: 23032945 |
Citation | McDonald, M. L., C. Macmullen, et al. (2012). "Genetic association of cyclic AMP signaling genes with bipolar disorder." Transl Psychiatry 2: e169. |
Disease Type | Bipolar Disorder |
Study Design | case-control |
Study Type | Candidate-gene association study |
Sample Size | 1172 individuals with BPD I, 516 individuals with BPD II and 1728 controls |
SNP/Region/Marker Size | 988 SNPs |
Predominant Ethnicity | Caucasian |
Sample Diagnosis | DSM |
Sample Status | DNA samples were obtained from the Systemic Treatment Enhancement Program for BPD study (STEP-BPD). |
Technique | Genotyping |
Statistical Method | chi-square tests |
Result Summary | We obtained a significant association for these variants in the combined sample using multiple methods for rare variant analysis. After using newly developed methods to account for potential bias from sequencing BPD cases only, the results remained significant. In addition, SNP x SNP interaction studies suggested that variants in several cAMP signaling pathway genes interact to increase the risk of BPD. This report is among the first to use multiple rare variant analysis methods following common tagSNPs associations with BPD. |
SNP | Related Gene(s) | Allele Change | Risk Allele | Statistical Values | Author Comments | Result Category |
rs1033701 | PDE10A | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.2(1.1–1.4),P-value = 0.00054 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs10214709 | PDE10A | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 0.8(0.7–1.0),P-value = 0.0082 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs9459465 | PDE10A | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 0.8(0.7–0.9),P-value = 0.0027 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs4709082 | PDE10A | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.2(1.1–1.3),P-value = 0.0083 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs470922 | PDE10A | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 0.8(0.7–0.9),P-value = 0.0031 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs600674 | PRKACB | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 0.8(0.7–0.9),P-value = 0.0065 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs6026565 | GNAS | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.3(1.1–1.5),P-value = 0.0017 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs6064714 | GNAS GNAS-AS1 | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 0.8(0.7–0.9),P-value = 0.0015 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs3008049 | PDE10A | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.2(1.1–1.4),P-value = 0.0011 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs9365899 | PDE10A | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 0.8(0.7–0.9),P-value = 0.0023 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs35113254 | GNAS | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.4(1.2–1.6),P-value = 0.000058 for BD-II | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs9459417 | PDE10A | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 0.8(0.7–0.9),P-value = 0.0084 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs4384209 | PDE4B | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.2(1.1–1.4),P-value = 0.0012 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs9459464 | PDE10A | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.2(1.1–1.3),P-value = 0.0017 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs4658954 | DISC1 | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 0.8(0.7–0.9),P-value = 0.004 for BD-II | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs2282751 | GNAI2 | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.2(1.1–1.4),P-value = 0.0061 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs2812391 | DISC1 | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.2(1.1–1.5),P-value = 0.0053 for BD-II | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs2983517 | PDE10A | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.2(1.1–1.4),P-value = 0.001 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs2983521 | PDE10A | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.3(1.1–1.5),P-value = 0.000093 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs10495310 | DISC1 | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.3(1.1–1.5),P-value = 0.0018 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs1079418 | PDE10A | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.2(1.1–1.3),P-value = 0.0027 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs17741863 | PDE4D | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.3(1.1–1.5),P-value = 0.004 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative | ||
rs2228950 | ADCY8 | chi square test:OR(95%CI) = 1.2(1.1–1.4),P-value = 0.0081 for BD-I | No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. | Negative |
Gene | Statistical Values/Author Comments | Result Category |
GNAI2 | None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide signifi...... None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide significance (P < 5E-08). More... | Negative |
PRKACB | None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide signifi...... None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide significance (P < 5E-08). More... | Negative |
ADCY8 | None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide signifi...... None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide significance (P < 5E-08). More... | Negative |
PDE4D | None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide signifi...... None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide significance (P < 5E-08). More... | Negative |
PDE10A | None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide signifi...... None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide significance (P < 5E-08). More... | Negative |
GNAS | None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide signifi...... None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide significance (P < 5E-08). More... | Negative |
PDE4B | None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide signifi...... None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide significance (P < 5E-08). More... | Negative |
DISC1 | None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide signifi...... None of the association tests of the tagSNPs with either BPD I or BPD II reached genome-wide significance (P < 5E-08). More... | Negative |
Copyright: Bioinformatics Lab, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Feedback
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