
SNP Report

Basic Info
Name rs10008257 dbSNP Ensembl
Location chr4:94435177 - 94435177(1)
Variant Alleles G/A
Ancestral Allele A
Minor Allele G
Minor Allele Frequence 0.419728
No. of Studies 4 (Positive: 0; Negative: 4; Trend: 0)
Source Literature
Overlap with SZ? NO
Overlap with MDD? NO

SNP related studies (count: 4)
Reference Allele Change Risk Allele Statistical Values Author Comments Result Category
Yosifova, A.,2009 A/G Allelic association: P-value = 0.073 Allelic association: P-value = 0.073 No significant association was observed No significant association was observed Negative
Shi, J., 2008 (c) G/A TDT P-value = 0.068 TDT P-value = 0.068 Our association analysis showed no single SNP associated wit...... Our association analysis showed no single SNP associated with BP. The SNP rs10008257 reveals a borderline association with BP. More... Negative
Squassina, A.,2008 A/G Allelic P-value = 0.202; OR=1.1; genotypic P-value = 0.436 Allelic P-value = 0.202; OR=1.1; genotypic P-value = 0.436 In single-marker analysis, no association was found for any ...... In single-marker analysis, no association was found for any of the SNPs tested. More... Negative
Zhao, T.,2009 A/G Allelic association: among patients and controls, P-value = ...... Allelic association: among patients and controls, P-value = 0.19, OR (95% CI)=1.13(0.94-1.36); among patients with bipolar disorder I and controls, P-value = 0.18, OR (95% CI)=1.14(0.94-1.38). Genotypic Association: among patients and controls, P-value = 0.41; among patients with bipolar disorder I and controls, P-value = 0.38 More... No significant association was observed No significant association was observed Negative

SNP related genes (count: 1)
Approved Symbol Approved Name Location No. of Studies (Positive/Negative/Trend)
PDLIM5 PDZ and LIM domain 5 4q22 5(4/1/0)

SNPs in LD with rs10008257 (count: 8) View in gBrowse (chr4:94413832..94435177 )
The LD data used here is based on HapMap rel#27. LD SNP pairs were selected with a threshold r2<=0.8.

Literature-origin SNPs (count: 0)

LD-proxies (count: 8)

Overlap with SZ from cross-disorder studies (count: 0)

Overlap with MDD from cross-disorder studies (count: 0)