
SNP Report

Basic Info
Name rs12273363 dbSNP Ensembl
Location chr11:27723312 - 27723312(1)
Variant Alleles T/C
Ancestral Allele T
Minor Allele C
Minor Allele Frequence 0.0974441
Functional Annotation intron_variant; non_coding_transcript_variant; upstream_gene_variant.
Consequence to Transcript intron_variant(ENST00000530663); non_coding_transcript_variant(ENST00000530663); upstream_gene_variant(ENST00000314915, ENST00000395978, ENST00000395981, ENST00000525950, ENST00000532997)
No. of Studies 3 (Positive: 2; Negative: 1; Trend: 0)
Source Literature
Overlap with SZ? NO
Overlap with MDD? NO

SNP related studies (count: 3)
Reference Allele Change Risk Allele Statistical Values Author Comments Result Category
Ivanova, M. A.,2012 Case–control study:all P-value > 0.05 Case–control study:all P-value > 0.05 No significant association was observed. No significant association was observed. Negative
Sears, C.,2011 T FBAT: MAF=0.184, P-value = 0.008 FBAT: MAF=0.184, P-value = 0.008 Significant association was found . Significant association was found . Positive
Liu, L., 2008 Average PDT statistic P-value = 0.05 for the model 1; avera...... Average PDT statistic P-value = 0.05 for the model 1; average PDT statistic P-value = 0.12 for the model 2; average PDT statistic P-value = 0.1 for the model 3 between the SNP and bipolar disorder. More... this SNP provided evidence only for the narrowest model. this SNP provided evidence only for the narrowest model. Positive

SNP related genes (count: 1)
Approved Symbol Approved Name Location No. of Studies (Positive/Negative/Trend)
BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor 11p14.1 37(24/12/1)

SNPs in LD with rs12273363 (count: 3) View in gBrowse (chr11:27679818..27726946 )
The LD data used here is based on HapMap rel#27. LD SNP pairs were selected with a threshold r2<=0.8.

Literature-origin SNPs (count: 0)

LD-proxies (count: 3)

Overlap with SZ from cross-disorder studies (count: 0)

Overlap with MDD from cross-disorder studies (count: 0)