
SNP Report

Basic Info
Name rs2709722 dbSNP Ensembl
Location chr7:20828189 - 20828189(1)
Variant Alleles C/T
Ancestral Allele T
Minor Allele C
Minor Allele Frequence 0.48722
Functional Annotation downstream_gene_variant.
Consequence to Transcript downstream_gene_variant(ENST00000405810)
No. of Studies 2 (Positive: 1; Negative: 0; Trend: 1)
Source Literature
Overlap with SZ? YES
Overlap with MDD? NO

SNP related studies (count: 2)
Reference Allele Change Risk Allele Statistical Values Author Comments Result Category
Lee, M. T.,2011 C/T Genome-wide association: in joint analysis, TT&CT vs. CC, P-...... Genome-wide association: in joint analysis, TT&CT vs. CC, P-value = 4.65E-06; genotype , P-value = 6.59E-05 More... Suggestive association was found. Suggestive association was found. Trend
Kondo, K.,2013 T/C P-value = 0.0063,OR= 0.838;P-value = 0.023,P-vorrection = 0....... P-value = 0.0063,OR= 0.838;P-value = 0.023,P-vorrection = 0.046,OR = 0.88 for replication. More... Significant association was observed. Significant association was observed. Positive

SNP related genes (count: 2)
Approved Symbol Approved Name Location No. of Studies (Positive/Negative/Trend)
SP8 Sp8 transcription factor 7p21.2 3(2/0/1)
RPL23P8 ribosomal protein L23 pseudogene 8 7p15.3 Mapped by Literature SNP

SNPs in LD with rs2709722 (count: 25) View in gBrowse (chr7:20800755..20858290 )
The LD data used here is based on HapMap rel#27. LD SNP pairs were selected with a threshold r2<=0.8.

Literature-origin SNPs (count: 0)

LD-proxies (count: 25)

Overlap with SZ from cross-disorder studies (count: 1)
Reference Statistical Result Description Result Category
Kondo, K.,2013 P-value = 0.0024,OR= 0.82;P-value = 0.049,P-vorrection = 0.098,OR = 0.922 for replication. Significant association was observed. Positive

Overlap with MDD from cross-disorder studies (count: 0)