
SNP Report

Basic Info
Name rs10094837 dbSNP Ensembl
Location chr8:134192893 - 134192893(1)
Variant Alleles T/C
Ancestral Allele T
Minor Allele C
Minor Allele Frequence 0.21885
No. of Studies 1 (Positive: 0; Negative: 0; Trend: 1)
Source Literature
Overlap with SZ? NO
Overlap with MDD? NO

SNP related studies (count: 1)
Reference Allele Change Risk Allele Statistical Values Author Comments Result Category
Zhang, P.,2010 Association analysis: FBAT P-value = 0.0028 Association analysis: FBAT P-value = 0.0028 Suggestive association was found. Suggestive association was found. Trend

SNP related genes (count: 0)

SNPs in LD with rs10094837 (count: 0) View in gBrowse (chr8:134192893..134192893 )

Overlap with SZ from cross-disorder studies (count: 0)

Overlap with MDD from cross-disorder studies (count: 0)