
Other Variant Report

Basic Info
Name WFS1 H611R
Type point mutation
Location exon8
Related Gene WFS1
No. of Study 3 (Positive: 0; Negative 3; Trend: 0)
Overlap with SZ? NO
Overlap with MDD? YES

Variant related studies (count: 3)
Reference Allele Change Risk Allele Statistical Values Author Comments Result Category
Kato, T.,2003 H611R Association analysis:Fisher's exact probability test, genotype P-value = 0.88, X2=0.17, allele P-value = 0.91 No significant association was observed in BD. Negative
Kawamoto, T., 2004 A>G allelic P-value = 0.16 None of the cSNPs were associated with bipolar disorder. Negative
Furlong, R. A.,1999(b) H611R Alleles:chi square = 0.36,1df,P-value = 0.55;Genotypes:chi square = 2.52,2df,P-value = 0.28 No significant differences were found in bipolar groups. Negative

Overlap with SZ from cross-disorder studies (count: 0)

Overlap with MDD from cross-disorder studies (count: 1)
Reference Statistical Result Description Result Category
Furlong, R. A.,1999(b) Alleles:chi square = 2.37,1df,P-value = 0.12;Genotypes:chi square = 2.40,2df,P-value = 0.30 No significant differences were found in unipolar groups. Negative